3 min read

Tommaso d Aquino telepoem EN

It was hard, really complicated to forgeT

Your attention to your inner world; in each mottO

You would look, delving deep inside your idioM

Of great selflessness and cognitive courage. A type of venoM

Spreading with winds of heresy...The truth was a clue, a fabulA.

I would 'talk to the nature' within myself, not to impresS

But to encourage the other thinkers and believers. The 'bruttO'

Of my knowledge, as a 'Summum Theologicum' was formeD

By the Time itself, the Zeitgeist, the phenomenA

Of human self-reflection and the abrupt sound 'quinQ!',

As if I was searching for the fifth element; a high impromptU

Would become a gleaming mystery for theologists, an innate casus bellI

I didn't expect my measurements and theories to be taken to the vast HeaveN,

Merely to reinstate the beauty of free will which is rare like a dinO.

© Maryna Tchianova

* This is a cross-genre work.

It is a verlibraic telepoem which functions as a tiny trivia article and is to be used for education/self-education purposes but it doesn't yet lead to the 'roots' of the used sources directly.

The author of this work uses simplified rhetoric and artistic tropes but expects of her readers and students to do some research on their own.

You'll be able to understand a full scope of intertextual links in this experimental poem if you turn to available overseas sources and work with them.

Among subtle, but not definitive influences the author of this poem would name

Aristotle, Catullus, Horacius, Seneca, D. Alighieri, F.Bacon and numerous other great thinkers.

The author doesn't aim to convince the reader of anything in the religious field, however allusions to religion are used as a prolonged intertextual metaphor for better quality of spreading multiliteracy and diversity in education.

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My poetry doesn't reflect my feelings. It mostly stems from observation and communication with the others and sometimes from long days of readin…

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