3 мин

La java de doudoune (перевод песни Mistinguett и Jean Gabin)

For somebody it’s their things

That only make them happy,

When they can’t have what they need,

It always makes them hapless.

All they need is made of silk

Or full of pearl, my darling.

They can eat like kings,

Doing just nothing,

Eating fish and mussels.

Ah! How they behave

Just to drink champagne!

But for us, indeed,

We don’t need it.

To be happy,

There’s no need in money,

Making party two of us tonight.

Getting closer, we’ll come to music ball

So that we can dance there, you and i.

Little snags that we eat with such pleasure, replace us foie gras and crabs, that’s it.

When we’re kissing,

If it lasts for long,

Just because

We’re in love and we

Don’t need

Money and anything.

But for others, happiness is when

It’s Deauville, Monte-Carlo.

They are prone to look at pretty actresses.

And how!

When they break up, they don’t cry, no tears, regrets, nor shouting.

When they have a fight with no compromise,

Nonetheless, it’s charming.

But they say coldly:

«Here is your reciept!»

Whereas you and me,

We don’t need it.

To be happy,

There’s no need in money.

Sometimes, we get worked up cause of them,

(Worked up cause of them.)

When it’s dark and

We whisper so quiet:

«Kiss my lips.

Ah! Give me your loving gaze.»

(Give me loving gaze.)

We’re so simple,

Never flatter to each other.

Never regret our embrace.

(Regret our embrace.)

Just like our hearts, like our hearts,

We have all we want

And don’t need money for it all.

Just like our hearts, like our hearts,

We have all we want.

We don’t need money for it all.


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