2 мин

Sandra Mason Barbados 2021

It is life - sometimes slow, sometimes hectiC,

With each breath of it you get inspired and you toucH

Upon complicated topics - freedom and disastrous weakness, et aliA...

When you had enough time to get a notioN

Of your future reign, you would focus on dignity, for your people not to beG

For independence and progress...Chivalry is not entirely about birth. To timE

And space that people tend to speculate about, you have full accesS.

© Maryna Tchianova

As times change, now the Island of Barbados is likely to become a more sovereign country with its own female President Elect by November 30, 2021.

Sandra Mason is well known as a professional lawyer, one of the descendants of an aristocratic clan and as a brilliant specialist in several fields - family law, international law, human rights, peacemaking and Caribbean economic integration.

For years her career in law, economy and politics has been developing at a relatively slow pace, so at the age of 72 she will finally head the country.



My poetry doesn't reflect my feelings. It mostly stems from observation and communication with the others and sometimes from long days of readin…

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