2 min read

If only i could write everything what...

If only i could write everything what

You mean to my heart, you mean to my soul.

It’s hard to explain but i know that it’s you

Who makes me insane, makes all my dreams come true.

If only i could have a one little chance

To meet you one day, feel your arms, feel your breath.

I’d never forget you, you’re into my heart

Since that lovely night when i found you, my love.

You never leave my dreams, my thoughts when it’s dark,

And when i wake up, you are still on my mind.

Can please someone tell me what i have to do?

I miss you my baby, i need only you.

If only we could stay up all the long night,

Look at the bright stars hugging each other tight.

It’s hard to explain, that’s the one thing i need,

You’re my biggest wish, you’re my wonderful dream.

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