2 мин

Жди меня (перевод стиха Константина Симонова)

Wait for me,

And i’ll be back!

Please just wait, my love.

When you might be feeling sad

Cuz of rainfalls...

Wait, when there is freezing snow.

Wait, when there is heat.

Wait, when there is no girl

Waiting for her sweet.

Wait, when you have got nothing,

No letter from afar.

Wait, when everybody’s sick of

Waiting all the time.

Wait for me,

And i’ll be back!

Never listen to

Those who tell you to forget.

They’re not right, although

Let my mom, my son believe

That i won’t be back.

Let my friends won’t wait for me,

Sit near fireplace,

Drink a bitter wine for me

To commemorate.

Wait and don’t you drink, my dear,

Never stop to wait.

Wait for me,

And i’ll be back,

Despite any deaths!

Those, who didn’t wait, may say:

- You are lucky, man.

Those will never understand

How it really was,

How you saved me in the end

By your waiting, love.

How i managed to survive,

Only you know that.

Just because you waited like

No one else could wait.


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