2 мин

Hymne aux Suisses de Chateauvieux

Salut, divin Triomphe! entre dans nos murailles!

Rends-nous ces guerriers

Par le sang de Désille, et par les

De tant de Français massacrés.

Jamais rien de si grand n'embellit ton entrée,

Ni quand l'ombre de MirabeauS'achemina jadis vers la voûte sacréeOù la gloire donne un tombeau,

Ni quand Voltaire mort, et sa centre

Rentrèrent aux murs de Paris.

Vainqueurs du fanatisme et de la calomnie,

Posternés devant ses écrits. (Hail, divine Triumph! enter into our walls!

Welcome back those warrious

For the blood shed of Désille and the

Of so many Frenchmen massacred.

Never before your gates saw anything so fine.

Not even when the shade of

Of yore was carried to the sacred shrine.

A tomb that only glory can bestow.

Nor when Voltaire's ashes, refused a calm retreat,

To Paris came back for repose.

And fanaticism and calumny in full defeat.

Prostrate lay before his prose.)translation source unknown but found at


Andre Marie de Chenier

André Marie Chénier (30 October 1762 – 25 July 1794) was a French poet of Greek and Franco-Levantine origin, associated with the events of the F…

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