Sleep has not visited me the whole night,
Will the dawn ever come
O my companion,
Once I awoke with a start from a dream
Sleep has not visited me the whole night,
Will the dawn ever come
O my companion,
Once I awoke with a start from a dream
Rana, to me your slander is sweet
Some praise me, some blame me
Igo the other way
On the narrow path,
We do not get a human
Just for the asking
Birth in a human
Is the reward for good
Thick overhead clouds of the monsoon,a delight to this feverish heart
Season of rain,season of uncontrolled whispers—-the Dark One's returning
O swollen heart,
O sky brimming with moisture—-tongued lightning firstand then thunder,co...
The plums tastedsweet to the unlettered desert-tribe girl-but what manners
To chew into each
She was ungainly, low-caste, ill mannered and dirty, but the god took thefruit she'd been sucking
Mira danced with ankle-bells on her feet
People said Mira was mad; my mother-in-law said I ruined the family reputation
Rana sent me a cup of poison and Mira drank it laughing
I dedicated my body and soul at the feet of Hari
O Lord,
Is the
That binds me to You:
This infamy,
O my Prince,is delicious
Some revile me,others applaud,
I simply follow my incomprehensible road
Do not leave me alone, a helpless woman
My strength, my crown,
I am empty of virtues,
You, the ocean of them
I am mad with
And no one understands my plight
Only the
Understand the agonies of the wounded,
We do not get a human
Just for the asking
Birth in a human
Is the reward for good
The rainy season is
And the skirt of my dress is wet
You have gone off to distant lands,
And my heart finds it unbearable