2 мин

The Resurrection And The Life

I Am, saith Christ our glorious head,(May we attention give)The resurrection of the dead,

The life of all that live.

By faith in me, the soul

New life, though dead before;

And he that in my name believes,

Shall live, to die no more.

The sinner, sleeping in his grave,

Shall at my voice awake;

And when I once begin to save,

My work I ne'er forsake.

Fulfill thy promise, gracious Lord,

On us assembled here,

Put forth thy Spirit with the word,

And cause the dead to hear.

Preserve the pow'r of faith alive,

In those who love thy name;

For sin and Satan daily

To quench the sacred flame.

Thy pow'r and mercy first

From death to set us free;

And often since our life had failed,

If not renewed by thee.

To thee we look, to thee we bow;

To thee, for help, we call;

Our life and resurrection thou,

Our hope, our joy, our all.

Olney Hymn


John Newton

John Newton (4 August [O.S. 24 July] 1725 – 21 December 1807) was an English Anglican clergyman and abolitionist, also having been Captain of sl…

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