2 min read

He Led Them By A Right Way

When Israel was from Egypt freed,

The Lord, who brought them out,

Helped them in every time of need,

But led them round about.

To enter Canaan soon they hoped,

But quickly changed their mind;

When the Red Sea their passage stopped,

And Pharaoh marched behind.

The desert filled them with alarms,

For water and for food;

And Amalek, by force of arms,

To check their progress stood.

They often murmured by the way,

Because they judged by sight;

But were at length constrained to say,

The Lord had led them right.

In the Red Sea that stopped them first,

Their enemies were drowned;

The rocks gave water for their thirst,

And Manna spread the ground.

By fire and cloud their way was shown,

Across the pathless sands;

And Amalek was overthrown,

By Moses' lifted hands.

The way was right their hearts to prove,

To make God's glory known;

And show his wisdom, pow'r and love,

Engaged to save his own.

Just so the true believer's

Through many dangers lies;

Though dark to sense, 'tis right to faith,

And leads us to the skies.

Olney Hymn

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John Newton

John Newton (4 August [O.S. 24 July] 1725 – 21 December 1807) was an English Anglican clergyman and abolitionist, also having been Captain of sl…

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