2 мин

The Rich Man And Lazarus

A Worldling spent each

In luxury and state;

While a believer lay,

A beggar at his gate:

Think not the Lord's appointments strange,

Death made a great and lasting change.

Death brought the saint

From want, disease, and scorn;

And to the land of peace,

His soul, by angels borne,

In Abraham's bosom safely placed,

Enjoys an everlasting feast.

The rich man also died,

And in a moment

From all his pomp and

Into the flames of hell:

The beggar's bliss from far beheld,

His soul with double anguish filled.

O Abram send, he cries,

But his request was

The beggar from the

To mitigate my pain!

One drop of water I entreat,

To soothe my tongue's tormenting heat.

Let all who worldly pelf,

And worldly spirits have,

Observe, each for himself,

The answer Abram gave:

Remember, thou wast filled with good,

While the poor beggar pined for food.

Neglected at thy

With tears he begged his bread;

But now, he weeps no more,

His griefs and pains are fled:

His joys eternally will flow,

While thine expire in endless woe. Lord, make us truly wise,

To choose thy peoples' lot;

And earthly joys despise,

Which soon will be forgot:

The greatest evil we can fear,

Is to possess our portion here!

Olney Hymn


John Newton

John Newton (4 August [O.S. 24 July] 1725 – 21 December 1807) was an English Anglican clergyman and abolitionist, also having been Captain of sl…

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