1 min read

The Wind of Sorrow

The fire of love was burning, yet so

That in the dark we scarce could see its rays,

And in the light of perfect-placid

Nothing but smouldering embers dull and slow.

Vainly, for love's delight, we sought to

New pleasures on the pyre to make it blaze:

In life's calm air and tranquil-prosperous

We missed the radiant heat of long ago.

Then in the night, a night of sad alarms,

Bitter with pain and black with fog of fears,

That drove us trembling to each other's arms —Across the gulf of darkness and salt tears,

Into life's calm the wind of sorrow came,

And fanned the fire of love to clearest flame.

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Henry Van Dyke

Henry Jackson van Dyke Jr. (November 10, 1852 – April 10, 1933) was an American author, educator, diplomat, and clergyman.

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