2 min read

What's Love

What’s love?

If I say life is full only when you are near

Then whom do I love?

Whom do I ignore?

If you are my core,

Then tell me what’s love.

What’s love?

If you do know for sure what’s in life best for me 

Then whom do you see,

Whom you project on

If you keep control 

Then is there the love?

What’s love?

If you say darling you need to come back to earth,

Then whom do you love,

Whom do you forget

If I do pretend

So is there the love?

What’s love?

If I say it is time for us to cut the cord.

So you could be you,

And I could be me,

And we’re both free,

Then tell me what’s love.

What’s love?

If we knew people are born with the breath of God.

Then whom would we choose,

Then what is the goal.

If everyone’s whole

Now tell me what’s love.


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