2 мин

Golden love

The disco is smoking hot,

Your playful look

Is beyond compare,

You came here to dance

And do what you dare.

Have a look at the dancefloor,

Have a look at the stars,

Take a breath and dance some more,

Be whatever you are.

The disco is flaming red,

You don't wanna flirt tonight,

Your friend looks so lost and sad,

You leave the club

Before someone starts a fight.

Have a look at the dancefloor,

Have a look at the stars,

Take a breath and dance some more,

Be whatever you are.

The city is cold and blue,

The rhythm is still within.

In the rear-view mirror

You see the day

Where your luck begins.



My poetry doesn't reflect my feelings. It mostly stems from observation and communication with the others and sometimes from long days of readin…

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