2 min read

Soneto a Cervantes With English Translation

Horas de pesadumbre y de tristezapaso en mi soledad.

Pero Cervanteses buen amigo.

Endulza mis instantesásperos, y reposa mi cabeza.

El es la vida y la naturaleza:

Regala un yelmo de oro y de diamantesA mis sueños errantes.

Es para mí: suspira, ríe y reza.

Cristiano y amoroso caballeroparla como un arroyo cristalino.!

Así le admiro y quiero,viendo cómo el destinohace que regocije al mundo enterola tristeza inmortal de ser divino!

English Translation A Sonnet on

In all my days of troubled

And fretted grief Cervantes is to meA faithful friend, and none so true as he,

That brings me precious gifts of quietness.

All nature his, and life.

Of his

My dreams, that are knight-errants bold and free,

Have golden casques to crown them gloriously.

He is, for me: sigh, prayer, joyousness.

He speaks as runs a brook, so

And very gentle is this Christian knight,

Even undaunted.

And I love him thus,

Beholding how the world, by fate's design,

Reaps, from his deathless sorrow, rich delight,

And laughter from a madness so divine!

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Ruben Dario

Félix Rubén García Sarmiento (January 18, 1867 – February 6, 1916), known as Rubén Darío, was a Nicaraguan poet who initiated the Spanish-Americ…

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