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To Vauxhall The English Garden

The cold transparent ham is on my fork It hardly rains--and hark the bell!--ding dingle Away!

Three thousand feet at gravel work,

Mocking a Vauxhall shower!--Married and single Crush--rush;--soaked silks with wet white satin mingle.


Madame! round whom all bright sparks lurk,

Calls audibly on Mr. and Mrs.

Pringle To study the sublime, &c.--(vide Burke),

All noses are upturned!

Whish-ish!--on high The rocket rushes, trails, just steals in sight-- Then droops and melts in bubbles of blue light-- And darkness reigns--then balls flare up and die-- Wheels whiz--smack crackers--serpents twist--and then Back to the cold transparent ham again!"The English Garden" a poem in 4 books by William Mason.


John Hamilton Reynolds

John Hamilton Reynolds (1794–1852) was an English poet, satirist, critic, and playwright. He was a close friend and correspondent of poet John K…

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