To You
SO you have come at last
And we nestle, each in each,
As leans the pliant sea in the clean-curved limbs of her lover the beach;
Merged in each other quite,
SO you have come at last
And we nestle, each in each,
As leans the pliant sea in the clean-curved limbs of her lover the beach;
Merged in each other quite,
HE world has grown so grey, love,
The weary world so wide;
And autumn seems to stay, love —'T was autumn when you died
And everything is strange and new,
SO I have kissed you
And this hour is mine
Its light along the level future lasts,
It crowns a drab eternity of Pasts
TO a woman's wistful
In a startled wave of feeling,
Swift and sudden,
Sweeps love's flood in,
The white mist walks between the
In silver gown;
Her mystic floating
The branches drown;
OU ask me why I love her;
Not a charm can you discover
Would you
The heart that a shut rose is,
All things must fade
There is for cities tall The same tomorrow as for daffodils:
Time's wind, that casts the seed, the petal spills
Grim London's ruined arches yet shall fall Back to the arms of Earth
CE more this Autumn-earth is ripe, Parturient of another type
While with the Past old nations merge His foot is on the Future’s verge
They watch him, as they huddle, pent, Striding a spacious continent, Above the level desert’s marge Loo...
TE stars above, red stars beneath,
And o'er the bay the brooding hills:
No murmur, save a quiet
That faintly through the darkness thrills,
[According to Maori mythology, the god Tiki created Man by taking apiece of clay and moistening it with his own blood
Woman was theoffspring of a sunbeam and a sylvan
US God made Man to cope with destiny:
Taking the common clay,
ST night I saw the Pleiades again, Faint as a drift of steam From some tall chimney-stack; And I remembered you as you were then: Awoke dead worlds of dream, And Time turned slowly back
I saw the Pleiades through branches bare, And close to m...
HE sudden sunbeams slant between the
Like solid bars of silver
moonlight kissed,
And strike the supine shadows where they