Lines On Hearing Three Or Four Years Ago That Constantinople Was Swallowed Up By An Earthquake
A Report, though false, at that time generally believed
EN are thy towers,
towers that
A Report, though false, at that time generally believed
EN are thy towers,
towers that
[A Report, though false, at that time generally believed
]Fallen are thy towers,
towers that
Wear the gown and wear the hat,
Snatch thy pleasures while they last;
Hadst thou nine lives, like a cat,
Soon those nine lives would be pass'd
IS there a spot where Pity's foot,
Although unsandalled, fears to tread,
A silence where her voice is mute,
Where tears, and only tears, are shed
TY, the attribute of Heaven
In various forms to mortals given,
With magic skill enslaves mankind,
As sportive fancy sways the mind
A stranger, schooled to gentle arts, He stept before the curious throng; His path into our waiting hearts Already paved by song
Full well we knew his choristers, Whose plaintive voices haunt our rest, Those sable-vested harbingers Of melancho...