1 min read

London Types Liza

'Liza's old man's perhaps a little shady, 'Liza's old woman's prone to booze and cring;

But 'Liza deems herself a perfect lady,

And proves it in her feathers and her fringe.

For 'Liza has a bloke her heart to cheer,

With pearlies and a barrer and a jack,

So all the vegetables of the year Are duly represented on her back.

Her boots are sacrifices to her hats,

Which knock you speechless—like a load of bricks!

Her summer velvets dazzle Wanstead Flats,

And cost, at times, a good eighteen-and-six.

Withal, outside the gay and giddy whirl, 'Liza's a stupid, straight, hard-working girl.

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William Ernest Henley

William Ernest Henley (23 August 1849 – 11 July 1903) was an English poet, writer, critic and editor in late Victorian England. Though he wrote …

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