2 min read

Hymn On Solitude

Hail, mildly pleasing Solitude,

Companion of the wise and good,

But from whose holy piercing

The herd of fools and villains fly.

Oh! how I love with thee to walk,

And listen to thy whispered talk,

Which innocence and truth imparts,

And melts the most obdurate hearts.

A thousand shapes you wear with ease,

And still in every shape you please.

Now wrapt in some mysterious dream,

A lone philosopher you seem;

Now quick from hill to vale you fly,

And now you sweep the vaulted sky;

A shepherd next, you haunt the plain,

And warble forth your oaten strain;

A lover now, with all the

Of that sweet passion in your face;

Then, calmed to friendship, you

The gentle looking Hertford's bloom,

As, with her Musidora, she(Her Musidora fond of thee)Amid the long-withdrawing

Awakes the rivalled nightingale.

Thine is the balmy breath of morn,

Just as the dew-bent rose is born;

And, while meridian fervors beat,

Thine is the woodland dumb retreat;

But chief, when evening scenes

And the faint landscape swims away,

Thine is the doubtful soft decline,

And that best hour of musing thine.

Descending angels bless thy train,

Thy virtues of the sage and swain—Plain Innocence, in white arrayed,

Before thee lifts her fearless head;

Religion's beams around thee

And cheer thy glooms with light divine;

About thee sports sweet Liberty,

And rapt Urania sings to thee.

Oh, let me pierce thy secret cell,

And in thy deep recesses dwell!

Perhaps from Norwood's oak-clad hill,

When Meditation has her fill,

I just may cast my careless

Where London's spiry turrets rise,

Think of its crimes, it cares, its pain,—Then shield me in the woods again.

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James Thomson

James Thomson (c. 11 September 1700 – 27 August 1748) was a Scottish poet and playwright, known for his poems The Seasons and The Castle of Indo…

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