2 мин

A better place

My thoughts, they seem to lighten when i’m on my own.

My eyes, they always shine and sparkle when you’re close...

In spite of other people i still see no point

In hiding our feelings from each other’s soul.

My mind is full of wild unrealistic things...

Your happiness is also mine because it’s all i need.

However, when i’m fine, i hardly think of it.

I know it’s all we share, i know it’s all we are...

When you look for me,

I’ll tell you where i’m heading.

And if you come to me,

I’ll meet you somewhere, baby!

There’s no reason why i could go away.

Just thought that one day i would have a better place for us...

White skies, wide clouds...

This place belongs to us!

Dark sky, dark eyes...

Feels like it’s all about us!

When you look for me,

I’ll tell you where i’m heading.

And if you come to me,

I’ll meet you somewhere, baby!

There’s no reason why i could go away.

Just thought that one day i would have a better place...

When i look for you,

I hear your heart, your whisper.

When i come to you,

I’ll tell you why i need you.

But there’s no one reason to be apart...

Just thought that one day i would have a better place for us


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