2 мин

Time Does Not Bring Relief

Time does not bring relief; you all have

Who told me time would ease me of my pain!

I miss him in the weeping of the rain;

I want him at the shrinking of the tide;

The old snows melt from every mountain-side,

And last year's leaves are smoke in every lane;

But last year's bitter loving must

Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.

There are a hundred places where I

To go - so with his memory they brim.

And entering with relief some quiet

Where never fell his foot or shone his faceI say, 'There is no memory of him here!'And so stand stricken, so remembering him.


Edna St. Vincent Millay

Edna St. Vincent Millay (February 22, 1892 – October 19, 1950) was an American lyrical poet and playwright.

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