1 мин

Turn O The Year

This is the time when bit by

The days begin to lengthen

And every minute gained is joy -And love stirs in the heart of a boy.

This is the time the sun, of

Content to lie abed till eight,

Lifts up betimes his sleepy head -And love stirs in the heart of a maid.

This is the time we dock the

Of a whole hour of candlelight;

When song of linnet and thrush is heard -And love stirs in the heart of a bird.

This is the time when sword-blades green,

With gold and purple damascene,

Pierce the brown crocus-bed a-row -And love stirs in a heart I know.


Katharine Tynan

Katharine Tynan (23 January 1859 – 2 April 1931) was an Irish writer,[1] known mainly for her novels and poetry. After her marriage in 1898 to t…

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