2 min read

Sheep and Lambs

All in the April evening,

April airs were abroad;

The sheep with their little lambs Passed me by on the road.

The sheep with their little lambs Passed me by on the road;

All in the April evening I thought on the Lamb of God.

The lambs were weary and crying With a weak, human cry.

I thought on the Lamb of God Going meekly to die.

Up in the blue, blue mountains Dewy pastures are sweet;

Rest for the little bodies,

Rest for the little feet.

But for the Lamb of God,

Up on the hill-top green,

Only a Cross of shame Two stark crosses between.

All in the April evening,

April airs were abroad;

I saw the sheep with their lambs,

And thought on the Lamb of God.

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Katharine Tynan

Katharine Tynan (23 January 1859 – 2 April 1931) was an Irish writer,[1] known mainly for her novels and poetry. After her marriage in 1898 to t…

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