2 мин

The Study and Beauties of the Works of Nature

O Nature! all-sufficient! over all!

Enrich me with the knowledge of Thy works!

Snatch me to heaven;

Thy rolling wonders there,

World beyond world, in infinite extent,

Profusely scatter'd o'er the void immense,

Shew me; their motions, periods, and their laws,

Give me to scan; through the disclosing

Light my blind way; the mineral strata there;

Thrust, blooming, thence the vegetable world;

O'er that the rising system more complex,

Of animals; and higher still, the mind,

The varied scene of quick-compounded thought,

And where the mixing passions endless shift;

These ever open to my ravish'd eye;

A search, the flight of time can ne'er exhaust!

But if to that unequal; if the blood,

In sluggish streams about my heart,

That best ambition; under closing shades,

Inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook,

And whisper to my dreams.

From Thee begin,

Dwell all on Thee, with Thee conclude my song:

And let me never, never stray from Thee!


James Thomson

James Thomson (c. 11 September 1700 – 27 August 1748) was a Scottish poet and playwright, known for his poems The Seasons and The Castle of Indo…

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