1 min read

Just rivers of the ponts 😆

What?! Again?!😵‍💫. i knew it..😆

One the same boring "song"..

Just another river of the ponts.

She's really biggest stupid girl,

But she so likes laugh at me..

Oh, God..

Boring.. empty pont-girl... 🤨😆

Finita la comedia..

Because it was tragedy(a). 🤷

Tat's all..

I leave her forever and also her posts,

but she never me


will be reading every my word.. 🤣

Thank You God,

Now I'm seeing all those things with my own eyes,

You're always right,

They're never worth my worries.

I bow to Your Glories. ❤️

Hey, God,

Do You like english word Just? 🤔😊

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https://vk.com/veileen_vilsen поэт, вокалистка и автор песен группы The lil' Tigress (кто читает меня давно, тот знает почему так называется мо…

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