1 мин

Those Who Do Not Dance

A crippled

Said, “How shall I dance?”Let your heart

We said.

Then the invalid said:“How shall I sing?”Let your heart

We said Then spoke the poor dead thistle,

But I, how shall I dance?”Let your heart fly to the

We said.

Then God spoke from above“How shall I descend from the blue?”Come dance for us here in the

We said.

All the valley is

Together under the sun,

And the heart of him who joins us

Is turned to dust, to dust.


Gabriela Mistral

Gabriela Mistral, seudónimo de Lucila Godoy Alcayaga​ (Vicuña, 7 de abril de 1889-Nueva York, 10 de enero de 1957), fue una poeta, diplomática y…

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