1 мин

Homeward Bound

After long labouring in the windy ways,  On smooth and shining tides  Swiftly the great ship glides,    Her storms forgot, her weary watches past;

Northward she glides, and through the enchanted haze    Faint on the verge her far hope dawns at last.

The phantom sky-line of a shadowy down,  Whose pale white cliffs below  Through sunny mist aglow,    Like noon-day ghosts of summer moonshine gleam---Soft as old sorrow, bright as old renown,    There lies the home, of all our mortal dream.


Sir Henry Newbolt

Sir Henry John Newbolt, CH (6 June 1862 – 19 April 1938) was an English poet, novelist and historian. He is perhaps best remembered for his poem…

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William Shakespeare Сонет 3 /свободный перевод/
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