1 min read

More Sonnets At Christmas III

Give me this day a faith not personal,

As follows:

The American people fully

With assurance policies, righteous and harmed,

Battle the world of which they're not at all.

That lying boy of ten who stood in the hall,

His hat in hand (thus by his father charmed:"You may be President"), was not

Nor even left uneasy by his fall.

Nobody said that he could be a plumber,

Carpenter, clerk, bus-driver, bombardier;

Let little boys go into violent slumber,

Aegean squall and squalor where their

Is of an enemy in remote

Unstalked by Christ: these are the better notions.

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Allen Tate

John Orley Allen Tate (November 19, 1899 – February 9, 1979), known professionally as Allen Tate, was an American poet, essayist, social comment…

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