Farewell To Anactoria
(Sappho)Never the tramp of foot or horse,
Nor lusty cries from ship at sea,
Shall I call loveliest on the dark earth-My heart moves lovingly
I say that what one loves is best:
(Sappho)Never the tramp of foot or horse,
Nor lusty cries from ship at sea,
Shall I call loveliest on the dark earth-My heart moves lovingly
I say that what one loves is best:
When Alexander Pope strolled in the
Strict was the glint of pearl and ''old sedans
Ladies leaned out more out of fear than
For Pope's tight back was rather a goat's than
Quem das finem, rex magne, dolorum
Where we went in the boat was a long bayA slingshot wide, walled in by towering stone—Peaked margin of antiquity's delay,
And we went there out of time's monotone:
Where we went in the black hull n...
Who am I
Thou art a box of worm-seed, at best but asalvatory of green mummy
Now all day long the man who is not
Hastens the dark with inattentive eyes,
The woman with white hand and erect
Stares at the covers, leans for the son's
Think about it at will: there is
Which is the commentary; there's that other,
Which may be called the
When the night's coming and the last light fallsA weak child among lost shadows on the floor,
It is your listening: pulse heeds the
Of fore and after, wind shivers the door
What masterful delay commands the
Now twenty-four or maybe
Was the woman's age, and her white brow was sleek;
Lips parted in surprise, the flawless cheek;
The long brown hair coiled sullenly alive;
In the twilight of my audacityI saw you flee the world, the burnt
Of summer gave up their light:
Followed you with the uncommon
Of fear-supported and disbursed eyes
To Denis
Again the native hour lets down the
Uncombed and black, but gray the bobbing beard;
Ten years ago His eyes, fierce shuttlecocks,
This message hastens lest we both go
Scattered, with no character, to death;
Death is untutored, with an ignorant
For precious identities of breath
To Robert Penn
You hold your eager
Too high in the air, you
As if the sleepy