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The City Of The Soul II

What shall we do, my soul, to please the King?

Seeing he hath no pleasure in the dance,

And hath condemned the honeyed utterance Of silver flutes and mouths made round to sing.

Along the wall red roses climb and cling,

And oh! my prince, lift up thy countenance,

For there be thoughts like roses that entrance More than the languors of soft lute-playing.

Think how the hidden things that poets see In amber eves or mornings crystalline,

Hide in the soul their constant quenchless light,

Till, called by some celestial alchemy,

Out of forgotten depths, they rise and shine Like buried treasure on Midsummer night.


Lord Alfred Douglas

Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas (22 October 1870 – 20 March 1945) was a British poet and journalist best known as the lover of Oscar Wilde.

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