2 мин

These Two

They died these two &mdash The little boys I knew &mdash One at Gallipoli and one in France.

Long ago &mdash Oh, twenty years or so &mdash They used to romp and

Over the grass, under the trees.

One toddling

Had golden

Fine as a girl's,

And funny little round fat cheeks the other.

They liked me, used to

Into my lap, and

For stories before bed-time, tugging

With little arms and

It seems too short a

For these two to grow

Of body and soul,

Grow into men, and hear the iron call,and give their youth's bright hoard.

Brief was their

As sunlight on a sword.

The poem is referencing the follwing gentlemen:

Maurice Pretyman:

Franklin Remingtone Pretyman: 1893-1917


Harriet Monroe

Harriet Monroe (December 23, 1860 – September 26, 1936) was an American editor, scholar, literary critic, poet, and patron of the arts. She was …

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