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Death Sonnet I

From the icy niche where men placed youI lower your body to the sunny, poor earth.

They didn't know I too must sleep in itand dream on the same pillow.

I place you in the sunny ground, with amother's sweet care for her napping child,and the earth will be a soft cradlewhen it receives your hurt childlike body.

I scatter bits of earth and rose dust,and in the moon's airy and blue powderwhat is left of you is a prisoner.

I leave singing my lovely revenge.

No hand will reach into the obscure depthto argue with me over your handful of bones.

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Gabriela Mistral

Gabriela Mistral, seudónimo de Lucila Godoy Alcayaga​ (Vicuña, 7 de abril de 1889-Nueva York, 10 de enero de 1957), fue una poeta, diplomática y…

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