2 мин

"kitty". sixteen, 5'1", white, prostitute

"kitty". sixteen,5'1", white, prostitute.

ducking always the touch of must and shall,

whose slippery body is Death's littlest pal,

skilled in quick softness. Unspontaneous. cute.

the signal perfume of whose unrepute

focusses in the sweet slow animal

bottomless eyes importantly banal,

Kitty. a whore. Sixteen

                                  you corking brute

amused from time to time by clever drolls

fearsomely who do keep their sunday flower.

The babybreasted broad "kitty" twice eight

—beer nothing,the lady'll have a whiskey-sour—

whose least amazing smile is the most great

common divisor of unequal souls.


E.E. Cummings

Edward Estlin (E. E.) Cummings (October 14, 1894 – September 3, 1962), often styled as e e cummings, as he is attributed in many of his publishe…

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