2 min read

Elegy on the Death of Lady Middleton

HE knell of death, that on the twilight gale,  Swells its deep murmur to the pensive ear;

In awful sounds repeats a mournful tale,  And claims the tribute of a tender tear.

The dreadful hour is past ! the mandate giv'n!  The gentle

ON shall breathe no more,

Yet who shall blame the wise decrees of Heaven,  Or the dark mysteries of Fate explore?

No more her converse shall delight the heart;  No more her smile benign spread pleasure round;

No more her liberal bosom shall impart  The balm of pity to Affliction's wound.

Her soul above the pride of noble birth,  Above the praises of an empty name,

By graceful

SS mark'd superior worth,  By peerless

ES claim'd the fairest fame,

Nor did those Virtues flaunt their innate rays,  To court applause, or charm the vulgar throng,

No ostentatious glare illum'd her days,  No idle boast escap'd her tuneful tongue.


ME, ambitious to record her praise,  On glitt'ring pinions spread her name afar,

Her gentle nature shunn'd the dazzling blaze,  Mild as the lustre of the morning star!


CE around her shone!  The chastest manners spoke her spotless mind;

That Pow'r who gave now claims her for his own,  Pure as the cherub she has left behind.

As round her couch the winged darts of death  Reluctant flew from Fate's unerring bow,

Immortal angels claim'd her quivering breath,  And snatch'd her spirit from a world of woe.

Calm resignation smil'd upon her cheek,  And

PE'S refulgent beam illum'd her eye;


TH, celestial

UE'S handmaid meek,  On wings of seraphs bore her to the sky.

Ye poor, who from her gen'rous bounty fed;  Oh! to

ER mem'ry give the fame that's due;

For oft, from pleasure's blithe meanders led,  Her pensive bosom felt a pang for


Yet, cease to mourn a sainted Spirit gone  To seek its resting place, beyond the skies;

Where 'midst the glories of TH'

AL's throne,  She tastes celestial bliss




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Mary Darby Robinson

Mary Robinson (née Darby; 27 November 1757 – 26 December 1800) was an English actress, poet, dramatist, novelist, and celebrity figure. She live…

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