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Starlight At Sea

ER the murmurous choral of dim

The constellations glow against the

Ethereal dusk, —forever fair, aloft,

Serene, while man climbs painfully from

To cities, clamorous cities, life that

Like surf against the rocks.

It is not

Our cities glimpse the stars, their luster

Away by low, hard glitter that

Night's blessing of the dark.

But here

Mid-ocean, all whose muffled voices ringA rapture lost to our vexed human wills,

We see the primal radiance that

On chaos, —see the young God

His gleaming flocks on the empurpled hills.


Katharine Lee Bates

Katharine Lee Bates (August 12, 1859 – March 28, 1929) was a prolific American writer, college professor, scholar, and social activist. Although…

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