2 мин

John Mouldy

I spied John Mouldy in his celler,

Deep down twenty steps of stone;

In the dusk he sat

Smiling there all alone.

He read no book, he snuffed no candle;

The rats ran in, the rats ran out,

And far and near, the drip of

Went whisp'ring about.

The dusk was still, with dew a-falling,

I saw the Dog-star bleak and grim,

I saw a slim brown rat of

Creep over him.

I spied John Mouldy in his celler,

Deep down twenty steps of stone;

In the dusk he sat

Smiling there all alone.

This poem taken from the book "People" in the Poems and Pictures series.

Ed Dennis saunders / Vincent Oliver Pub Evans Brothers,

London [page 16]


Walter de la Mare

Walter John de la Mare (25 April 1873 – 22 June 1956) was an English poet, short story writer, and novelist. He is probably best remembered for …

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