1 мин

He when young Spring protrudes the bursting gems

He, when young Spring protrudes the bursting gems,

Into his freshened soul; her genial

He full enjoys; and not a beauty

And not an opening blossom breathes in vain.

In summer he, beneath the living shade,

Such as o'er frigid Tempe wont to

Or Hemus cool, reads what the Muse, of

Perhaps, has in immortal numbers sung:

Or what she dictates writes: and, oft an

Shot round, rejoices in the vigorous year.

When Autumn's yellow lustre gilds the world,

And tempts the sickled swain into the field,

Seiz'd by the general joy, his heart

With gentle throes, and through the tepid

Deep-musing, then he best exerts his song.


James Thomson

James Thomson (c. 11 September 1700 – 27 August 1748) was a Scottish poet and playwright, known for his poems The Seasons and The Castle of Indo…

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