2 мин

Temporary Tranquility

Temporary Tranquility - poems, poem, lovelife, relationship

I’m just breathing in oxygen,  

Why’s it gotta be so hard?  

All this air, trapped in my chest,  

Like a noose tightening in the dark. 


You watch with that blank stare,  

Face cold, unfeeling, unaware.  

What’s the point of this game?  

Giving just to take it away—  

Or is this just how you play?

By letting me feel

What I've never felt

And then taking it all

Once your bets are dealt?

And what will happen

Once you're bored of it all

Will you let of this noose

And let me fall?

I see it in your eyes

When you're telling lies

You don't love me

It's just a game--

A game I despise.

                      - Samiksha Sunwar and Manaswini Jha

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