1 min read

The Secret

Two girls discoverthe secret of lifein a sudden line ofpoetry.

I who don't know thesecret wrotethe line.

Theytold me(through a third person)they had found itbut not what it wasnot evenwhat line it was.

No doubtby now, more than a weeklater, they have forgottenthe secret,the line, the name ofthe poem.

I love themfor finding whatI can't find,and for loving mefor the line I wrote,and for forgetting itso thata thousand times, till deathfinds them, they maydiscover it again, in otherlinesin otherhappenings.

And forwanting to know it,forassuming there issuch a secret, yes,for thatmost of all.

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Denise Levertov

Priscilla Denise Levertov (24 October 1923 – 20 December 1997) was an American poet. She was a recipient of the Lannan Literary Award for Poetry…

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