Tell me Brother
LL me,
Brother, how can I renounce Maya
When I gave up the tying of ribbons, still I tied my garment about me:
When I gave up tying my garment, still I covered my body in its folds
LL me,
Brother, how can I renounce Maya
When I gave up the tying of ribbons, still I tied my garment about me:
When I gave up tying my garment, still I covered my body in its folds
Jo Dise So To Hai Nahin,
Hai So Kaha Na
Bin Dekhe Parteet Na Aave,
Kahe Na Koyee
ED day and night with my comrades, and now I am greatly afraid
So high is my Lord's palace, my heart trembles to mount its stairs: yet I must not be shy, if I would enjoy His love
My heart must cleave to my Lover;
I must withdraw my...
Ud Jayega Huns Akela,
Jug Darshan Ka Mela Jaise Paat Gire Taruvar Se,
Milna Bahut Duhela Naa Jane Kidhar Girega,
Lageya Pawan Ka Rela Jub Howe Umur Puri,
HE river and its waves are onesurf: where is the difference between the river and its waves
When the wave rises, it is the water; and when it falls, it is the same water again
Tell me,
Sir, where is the distinction
I have been thinking of the difference between water and the waves on it
Rising, water's still water, falling back, it is water, will you give me a hint how to tell them apart
Because someone has made up the word"wave," do I ha...
Jab Tun Aaya Jagat Mein,
Log Hanse Tu
Aise Karni Na Kari,
Pache Hanse Sab Koye[When you were born in this
The bhakti path winds in a delicate way
On this path there is no asking and no not asking
The ego simply disappears the moment you touchhim
The joy of looking for him is so immense that youjust dive in, and coast around like a fish ...
To what shore would you cross,
O my heart
there is no traveller before you, there is no road:
Where is the movement, where is the rest, on that shore
HE middle region of the sky, wherein the spirit dwelleth, is radiant with the music of light;
There, where the pure and white music blossoms, my Lord takes His delight
In the wondrous effulgence of each hair of His body, the brightness o...
Sadho Ye Murdon Ka
Peer Mare,
Pygambar Mari
Mari Hain Zinda Jogi Raja Mari Hain,
PS burn in every house,
O blind one
and you cannot see them
One day your eyes shall suddenly be opened, and you shall see: and the fetters of death will fall from you