The Missing Star
HY did the star leave the sky, The far, pure sky
Shone she not high and hallowed and fair
Could she not tarry her life-time there
Why must she fall and fade
HY did the star leave the sky, The far, pure sky
Shone she not high and hallowed and fair
Could she not tarry her life-time there
Why must she fall and fade
AR love, good-night
And, tender sleep,
Seal up her lids like these drowsed flowers,
To make day fair when they unclose
ET a lily long ago; I watched it whiten in the sun; I loved it well,
I had but one
Then summer-time was done,
RK the sky-lark in the cloud, Hark the cricket in the grass,
Trilling blitheness clear and loud, Chirping glee to all who pass
Oh, the merry summer lay
Earth and sky keep holiday
No not to-night, dear child;
I cannot go;
I'm busy, tired; they knew I should not come; you do not need me there
Dear, be content, and take your pleasure; you shall tell me of it
No, mother,
I am not sad: Why think me sad
I was always still, You remember, even when my heart was most glad And you used to let me dream at my will; And now I like better to watch the sea And the calm sad sky than to laugh with the res...
TE rose sighed in the morn, Red rose laughed in the noon, And "Sweetest sweetness is ended soon,"And "Never heed for the thorn
""Love's hour passes away," White rose breathed in my ear; Red rose whispered "N...
ST, this one day we own, Stolen from the crowd and press, Let it be sweet silence's
We two, heart in heart, alone;
Any speech were less
We are weary, even thus, Talk might turn to discontent Else be practised merriment:
Seeds with wings, between earth and
Fluttering, flying; Seeds of a lily with blood-red core Breathing of myrrh and of giroflore:
Where winds drop them there must they lie,
Living or dying
VE is dying
Why then, let it die
Trample it down, that it die more fast
What is a rose that has lost its bloom
Young laughters, and my music
Aye till now The voice can reach no blending minors near; 'Tis the bird's trill because the spring is here And spring means trilling on a blossomy bough; 'Tis the spring joy that has no why or how,
But sees ...
Wild wintry wind, storm through the night, Dash the black clouds against the sky,
Hiss through the billows seething white, Fling the rock-surf in spray on high
Hurl the high seas on harbour bars, Madden them with thy havoc-shriek Against...