The Beacon Fires
AM — a gleam — from Ida's height,
By the Fire-god sent, it came;
From watch to watch it leapt, that light,
AM — a gleam — from Ida's height,
By the Fire-god sent, it came;
From watch to watch it leapt, that light,
Up and lead the dance of Fate
Lift the song that mortals hate
Tell what rights are ours on earth,
Over all of human birth
Earth is rocking in space
And the thunders crash up with a roar upon roar,
And the eddying lightnings flash fire in my face,
And the whirlwinds are whirling the dust round and round— And the blasts of the winds universal leap free A...
RA Phoebus Apollo
US Hark
The lips at last unlocking
RA Phoebus
Now do our eyes behold The tidings which were told:
Twin fallen kings, twin perished hopes to mourn,
The slayer, the slain,
The entangled doom forlorn And ruinous end of twain
Now long and long from wintry Strymon blew The weary, hungry, anchor-straining blasts,
The winds that wandering seamen dearly rue,
Nor spared the cables worn and groaning masts;
And, lingering on, in indolent delay,
ER Now at the Seventh Gate the seventh chief, Thy proper mother's son,
I will announce, What fortune for this city, for himself, With curses he invoketh:--on the walls Ascending, heralded as king, to stand, With paeans for their capture; then...
The night was passing, and the Grecian host By no means sought to issue forth unseen
But when indeed the day with her white steeds Held all the earth, resplendent to behold,
First from the Greeks the loud-resounding din Of song triumphan...
Hear ye my statute, men of Attica-- Ye who of bloodshed judge this primal cause; Yea, and in future age shall Aegeus's host Revere this court of jurors
This the hill Of Ares, seat of Amazons, their tent, What time 'gainst Theseus, breathing h...
SE Our mistress bids me with all speed to call Aegisthus to the strangers, that he come And hear more clearly, as a man from man, This newly brought report
Before her slaves, Under set eyes of melancholy cast, She hid her inner chuckle at the...
US (alone) O holy Aether, and swift-winged Winds, And River-wells, and laughter innumerous Of yon Sea-waves
Earth, mother of us all, And all-viewing cyclic Sun,
I cry on you,-- Behold me a god, what I endure from gods
Behold, with t...
HE IV Though Zeus plan all things right, Yet is his heart's desire full hard to trace; Nathless in every place Brightly it gleameth, e'en in darkest night, Fraught with black fate to man's speech-gifted race
HE IV Steadfast, ne'er thrown in f...