The Death Of Richard Wagner
Mourning on earth, as when dark hours descend,
Wide-winged with plagues, from heaven; when hope and
Wane, and no lips rebuke or reprehend Mourning on earth
The soul wherein her songs of death and birth,
Mourning on earth, as when dark hours descend,
Wide-winged with plagues, from heaven; when hope and
Wane, and no lips rebuke or reprehend Mourning on earth
The soul wherein her songs of death and birth,
In vain to me the smiling Mornings shine, And reddening Phœbus lifts his golden fire; The birds in vain their amorous descant join; Or cheerful fields resume their green attire; These ears, alas
for other notes repine, A different object do t...
Richard the First,
Is a name that we speak of with pride,
Though he only lived six months in
"I think I want some pies this morning," Said Dick, stretching himself and yawning;
So down he threw his slate and books,
And saunter'd to the pastry-cook's
And there he cast his greedy
Пронзительный свист Робин Гуда,
Эскорт проскакал на конях
И Шервудский лес и повсюду
Стрелки вдоль тропинки в ветвях