Sometimes The Skys Too Bright
Sometimes the sky's too bright,
Or has too many clouds or birds,
And far away's too sharp a
To nourish thinking of him
Sometimes the sky's too bright,
Or has too many clouds or birds,
And far away's too sharp a
To nourish thinking of him
All things bright and
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wondrous,
Moist, bright, and green, the landscape laughs around
Full swell the woods; their every music wakes,
Mix'd in wild concert, with the warbling
Increased, the distant bleatings of the hills,
She's the daughter of the breeze,
She's the darling of the seas, And we call her, if you please, the bright
From beneath her bosom
Bright cap and streamers,
He sings in the hollow:
Come follow, come follow, All you that love
Leave dreams to the dreamers That will not after,
That bright chimeric
Conceived yet never born,
Save in the poet's breast,
The white-flanked unicorn,
Star, that gives a gracious dole, What am I to choose
Oh, will it be a shriven soul, Or little buckled shoes
Shall I wish a wedding-ring, Bright and thin and round,
Or plead you send me covering- A newly spaded mound