The Palm And The Pine
In the far North stands a Pine-tree, lone,
Upon a wintry height;
It sleeps: around it snows have thrown A covering of white
It dreams forever of a Palm That, far i' the Morning-land,
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In the far North stands a Pine-tree, lone,
Upon a wintry height;
It sleeps: around it snows have thrown A covering of white
It dreams forever of a Palm That, far i' the Morning-land,
A lonely fir-tree
On a height where north winds blow ;
It sleepeth, with whitened garment,
Enshrouded by ice and snow
Рощи пальм и заросли алоэ,
Серебристо-матовый ручей,
Небо, бесконечно-голубое,
Небо, золотое от лучей