The man who rightly acts without coercion Will not be grieved, can never wholly sink in wretchedness; While the lawless criminal is forcibly dragged under In the current of time when from the shattered mast The elements rip down his sails. He shouts, there is no ear to hear him Struggling, hopeless, at the maelstrom's center. Gods laugh at the transgressor now, Watching him, his pride now wrecked, Caught in desperation's shackles. He flees the rocks in vain; His fortunes smash on retribution's reef And, unmourned, he is engulfed.
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Aeschylus Aeschylus
Aeschylus (UK: /ˈiːskɪləs/,[1] US: /ˈɛskɪləs/;[2] Greek: Αἰσχύλος Aiskhylos, pronounced [ai̯s.kʰý.los]; c. 525/524 – c. 456/455 BC) was an ancie…
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