2 min read

On two Children dying of one Disease and buried in one Grave

Brought forth in sorrow, and bred up in care,

Two tender Children here entombed are:

One Place, one Sire, one Womb their being gave,

They had one mortal sickness, and one grave.

And though they cannot number many years In their Account, yet with their Parents tears This comfort mingles;

Though their dayes were few They scarcely sinne, but never sorrow knew:

So that they well might boast, they carry'd hence What riper ages lose, their innocence.

You pretty losses, that revive the fate Which in your mother death did antedate,

O let my high-swol'n grief distill on you The saddest drops of a Parentall dew:

You ask no other dower then what my eyes Lay out on your untimely exequies:

When once I have discharg'd that mournfull skore,

Heav'n hath decreed you ne're shall cost me more,

Since you release and quit my borrow'd trust,

By taking this inheritance of dust.

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Henry King

Henry King (1592 – 30 September 1669) was an English poet who served as Bishop of Chichester.

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