1 мин

The Snake Charmer

ER dost thou hide from the magic of my flute-call?

In what moonlight-tangled meshes of perfume,

Where the clustering keovas guard the squirrel's slumber,

Where the deep woods glimmer with the jasmine's bloom?

I'll feed thee,

O beloved, on milk and wild red honey,

I'll bear thee in a basket of rushes, green and white,

To a palace-bower where golden-vested maidens Thread with mellow laughter the petals of delight.

Whither dost thou loiter, by what murmuring hollows,

Where oleanders scatter their ambrosial fire?

Come, thou subtle bride of my mellifluous wooing,

Come, thou silver-breasted moonbeam of de- sire!


Sarojini Naidu

Sarojini Chattopadhyay Naidu (13 February 1879 – 2 March 1949) was an Indian political activist and poet. A proponent of civil rights, women's e…

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