2 min read

Three Oclock in the Morning

At three in the morning I used to be sleeping an untroubledsleep in my bed.

But lately at three in the morning I'm tossing and turning,

Awakened by hypochondria, and gas, and nameless dread,

Whose name I've been learning. (worry) At three in the morning I brood about what my cholesterolcount might reveal,

And the pains in my chest start progressing from gentle to racking,

While certain intestinal problems make clear that the onionsI ate with my

Plan on counter attacking.

At three in the morning I look toward the future with blanketspulled over my ears,

And all of my basic equipment is distinctly diminished.

My gums are receding, my blood pressure's high, and I can'tbegin listing my

Or I'll never get finished.

At three in the morning I used to be sleeping but lately I wake and reflect That my girlhood has gone and I'll now have to manage without it.

They tell me that I'm heading into my prime.

From the previewsI do not

To be crazy about it.

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Judith Viorst

Judith Viorst (née Stahl, February 2, 1931) is an American writer, newspaper journalist, and psychoanalysis researcher. She is known for her hum…

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