Christina Georgina Rossetti1 min readСлушатьMotherless Baby And Babyless MotherMotherless baby and babyless mother,Bring them together to love one another.motherlessбабыandbabylessmotherPoetry Christina Georgina Rossetti — motherlessPoetry Christina Georgina Rossetti — бабыPoetry Christina Georgina Rossetti — andPoetry Christina Georgina Rossetti — babylessPoetry Christina Georgina Rossetti — mother0027Give AwardChristina Georgina RossettiChristina Georgina Rossetti (5 December 1830 – 29 December 1894) was an English poet who wrote romantic, devotional, and children's poems. "Gobl…Other author postsThe Princes ProgressTill all swt gums an juis flw, Till th blssm f blssms blw, Th lng hurs g an m an g, Th bri sh slpth, wakth, slpth, Waiting fr n whs ming is slw:— Hark…Sleeping at lastSlping at last, th trubl an tumult vr, Slping at last, th struggl an hrrr past, Cl an whit, ut f sight f frin an f lvr, Slping at last…The Convent ThresholdThr's bl btwn us, lv, my lv, Thr's fathr's bl, thr's brthr's bl, An bl's a bar I annt pass I hs th stairs that munt abv,…The Thread Of LifeTh irrspnsiv siln f th lan, Th irrspnsiv suning f th sa, Spak bth n mssag f n sns t m:—Alf, alf, w stan alf, s Thu t alf bun with th flawlss…CommentsYou need to be signed in to write comments
The Princes ProgressTill all swt gums an juis flw, Till th blssm f blssms blw, Th lng hurs g an m an g, Th bri sh slpth, wakth, slpth, Waiting fr n whs ming is slw:— Hark…
Sleeping at lastSlping at last, th trubl an tumult vr, Slping at last, th struggl an hrrr past, Cl an whit, ut f sight f frin an f lvr, Slping at last…
The Convent ThresholdThr's bl btwn us, lv, my lv, Thr's fathr's bl, thr's brthr's bl, An bl's a bar I annt pass I hs th stairs that munt abv,…
The Thread Of LifeTh irrspnsiv siln f th lan, Th irrspnsiv suning f th sa, Spak bth n mssag f n sns t m:—Alf, alf, w stan alf, s Thu t alf bun with th flawlss…
Similar tag andThe Arrow and the SongI sht an arrw int th air, It fll t arth, I knw nt whr; Fr, s swiftly it flw, th sight Cul nt fllw it in its flight.…Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Similar tag бабыДо свидания!Я узнала, что такое разочарование. Когда опоздала на встречу с вами.…Альбина
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